Friday, December 5, 2014

Trick to Remove Viruses Short Fur Duck

To eradicate the virus could duck feathers by hand. Reatogo can use XPE Live CD (none at me) for Win XP boot via CD. The aim is that the virus is not active. Then Find viruses that are on each drive. Open every drive (C, D, E, ...), delete the file and Autorun.inf BuluBebek.inf
Special drive C, there are other applications that need to be removed which is located in c: / windows / system32 namely LSAS.Exe and SCRIPT.exe
Then search application form folder. write * .exe in the All or part of the file name, look in = All drives, what size it: specify size in (kb) = at most (the contents of which is visible on the drive capacity. eg 220 (depending on the capacity of the virus / different from each computer) . Then delete all applications in the form of a folder.

The next step is led folders dihiden by the virus via comand prompt (cmd)

Bring up a folder on drive D:
In the cmd window, type d: and then enter
type: attrib -s -h *. * / s / d enter

Do the same thing on another drive example E: enter and so on.

Good luck !!!
God willing, be resolved virus duck feathers.

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